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Category Archives: Brainwashed public










I get a fair amount of flack from liberal/left types who complain that I have no sympathetic people of color in my series.  This is 100% factually untrue, as for example see this and this (and there are others).    Of course, the treatment these sympathetic characters of color receive at the hands of the lefties who run this household is another story; I cannot be held responsible if, for example, Diversity brings a perfectly delightful Latina child home to play with and she is rejected by Devon for being the wrong kind of Latina, politically. 

Another point: more than 90% of this series revolves around the inner dynamics of a family which happens to be white– therefore, outside characters in general, of whatever color, will tend to be uncommon.  Until the current administration enacts an Adopt a Person of Color into Your Family policy, the prevailing color around the house will, sadly, tend to be white. 

HOWEVER– I am not immune to creative criticism and have today initiated a new, experimental line of Diversity Lane cartoons, based on Politically Corrected earlier cartoons.  Here are three such samples for your inspection, with feedback of all kinds welcome as always (except for profane, vicious and/or substance-free screaming).  I’ve included in this initial series an African-American woman, Latino man, Asian man, and for good measure an Environmentally Sensitive Green Worker.  I hope my new alternative line of Diversity Lane cartoons meets with your approval!












My fellow American Citizens,
 What do Billy Mays , Michael Jackson, and Farrah Fawcett have in common?  The news would rather talk about them than the President, U.S. Congress, or Judge Sotomayor.  They want you to stop and think, “Where was I when Elvis died?” not “Where was I when my Civil Liberties died?”  for those of you paying more attention to pop culture than real life I have some breaking news for you.  Bush is no longer President, stop blaming him.  Unemployment is up, contrary to what the “news” reported Obama saying.  North Korea wants to kill us.  U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday the coup that ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was illegal and would set a “terrible precedent” of transition by military force unless it was reversed.
 Do not get me wrong —  President Oabma is not being under-covered in the news.  We know that he has a new dog, not from the pound like he suggested.  We know that he likes to go on dates with his wife that cost over one hundred thousand dollars at a time.  We know that his Grandmother was a “typical white woman”.  We know what church he attends, or attended, even though he didn’t know any of the sermons given by his pastor for 20 years.  We know that he will allow five days of public comment before signing any bills, oops he did it again.
 The U.S. House just passed the single largest tax increase in U.S. history.  Congress wants the right to control anything that emits Carbon Dioxide, including but not limited to: , Coal, & Cows.  Oh, did I mention that we emit Carbon Dioxide also?  Or that trees and plants need it to live?  It would seem that the 1,500 page bill passing (219-212) would be alittle more worthy of mentioning.  Now Al Gore can sell his “Carbon Off-Sets , ” whatever that really is.  I suppose that Obama is keeping his promise that “Energy Prices Will Skyrocket Under My Cap and Trade Plan”*  Also, good job passing the “Official” appology for slavery.  Let’s see, slavery Officially ended when the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified by the states in 1865, the 14th Amendment provided for Civil Rights in 1868, the 15th Amendment banned racial restrictions on voting in 1870.  So, everyone who was directly affected by conditions in the United States before this time period is dead!  Let’s move on already.
*November 3, 2008
 This just in ‘Transformers’ tops global box office.  Wait, falling for media distractions again.  Well it made the headlines anyways.
 Let’s make a new law.  In order to be a Supreme Court Justice, you have to have less than 50% of your cases overturned by the Supreme Court.  Attention Judge Sotomayor, discrimination is as discrimination does.  You do not have to be a minority in the total global population to be discriminated againt.  Oh wait, there are more than 6.5 billion people and nearly 2/3 of them are Asians.  I suppose the White fire fighters were minorities afterall.  The Equal Protection Clause, part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, provides equal protection and does not make room for a “wise Latina woman” whom would judge better than white male.
 So, you stick with the top headline on CNN “Jackson’s mom gets guardianship of his kids” and I’ll stick with “Target: Hawaii”.  Thanks Wall Street Journal for bringing news.  Now go back to reading the complete coverage of Michael Jackson’s death.
Jason Sanborn
From the soon to be former State of Texas



Found this while cruising around the ‘sphere and think it clearly deserves the Most Trenchant Sarcasm of the Week award.  I’ve been sending it around to friends and fellow bloggers and you might want to also.  A kind of dark classic, if you ask me.


An open letter to the youth of America regarding the 2008 Presidential election:

To the youth of America,

     Thank you for turning out to vote in your first Presidential Election. I am sure that many of you have never followed or been interested in politics before and chose this occasion to be your first experience. You probably voted against your parents thinking that your youth made you more aware of the new global environment than their years of experience in life.


     Thank you for protecting the illegal combatants who are detained in Guantanamo Bay. Ensuring their Constitutional Rights IS more important than your right to live. Even though they waged a war against innocent unsuspecting civilians in the United States, they themselves have been mistreated. The inhumane torture that they were subjected to of being gently suspended on a blanket while having small amounts of water poured on their heads is far worse than crashing planes in to buildings in urban highly populated areas.


     Thank you for giving Congress a Democratic Majority. Now they are free to pass legislation increasing the National Deficit by far more than it has ever been after they campaigned on a balanced budget and reducing the deficit. Nancy Pelosi is now free from any charges of purgery from only being informed about CIA interrogation practices rather than being briefed on them. Now we can move forward with prosecuting the former administration for keeping the Country safe from Man Caused Destruction by means of the Over-seas Contingency Operation. It is more important that Bush lied about the foreign intelligence that we received to get us involved for a war for oil than the Democrats telling any partial untruths about Our military harassing and murdering innocent civilians.


     Thank you for helping keep our borders open. For too long illegal immigrants have tried to dangerously cross our boarders and exist in our country without following the legal path to citizenship. Now all of those people can live without fear of being sent back to their country of origin and receive government assistance in the form of healthcare, childhood education, and food stamps to which they do not contribute.


     Thank you for helping to reduce Carbon Dioxide levels. We should not be responsible for providing a resource to plants for their existence. The earth has never regulated itself in the past from occurrences like volcanic explosions until government came along to test the air quality. Maybe now we can find a way to tax the production of oxygen from the carbon offset farms.


     Thank you for expanding healthcare. Now non-citizens have expanded healthcare coverage available to them at no cost. I suppose in this ever shrinking job market you all have already found steady employment to pay for the services that they are receiving. Businesses like hospitals should not be in the practice of making enough money to cover both their operating expenses and payroll when we have big government to decide who will receive healthcare, when, and to what extent.


     Maybe now that all of the world’s problems have been resolved we can focus on education. It is clear that in this country that we need reform. We not only need to be more competitive in the areas of math and science with the rest of the world, but it is now clear that we need reform in American History class as well.


     It is apparent with sites such as,, and that radical liberalism has moved mainstream. Politicians such as Janet Napolitano have redefined radicals as people who believe in the Constitution and religion. No longer are people in the radical movement confined to the outskirts of society like they were in the 1960s. We now can be wary of our veterans and people who want limited Federal Government intervention.


Thank you for believing in Change,


Jason Sanborn
From the soon to be former State of Texas



