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Category Archives: Funny leftists

Don’t forget to check out the Diversity Lane website!  Get the background scoop on these miserable characters and their anti-American free-for-all of a household.  While there, purchase Diversity Lane/ A Liberal Family Saga, the oversized  blockbuster of a book that’s sending leftists everywhere over the edge like lemmings.

Go here to listen to the podcast.  Paul Ibbeston is an outstanding interviewer and the entire broadcast is interesting & well worth your time.  Zack’s segment starts just after the 25 minute mark  on the podcast.

A Modern Observation on The Anti-War Movement
Obama’s a killer;
Nobel can’t hide
He’s leading a thriller
Of an Afghanicide.
Obama’s a warrior
Who’s funding that war;
Seems that’s actually
What Democrats are for.
Obama is vicious,
As bombs rain down
On some Muslim folk
In a Muslim town.
Obama’s evaded
Bush-aimed anti-war noise,
Because it turns out
They were mostly his boys.
Obama’s in office
And boom go those bombs.
But all those protestors?
They show no more qualms.
For Obama’s in office,
And now the war’s just
A peripheral problem,
Not a matter of trust.
Obama’s supporters
Reason it out like this:
Bush started the mess
With a swing and a miss.
Obama’s just doing
What ever he can,
Except stopping the war
Which he said was his plan.
Obama’s going along
With quiet aplomb
Because Bush protestors
Cheer Nobel’s Obama-mite bomb.
Obama’s prized peace
Is a Peace Prize now past;
And golly, there goes
Another Afghani blast.
Obama seems proud
Of the record he’s made.
Two years of warfare
Is like the golf games he played.

Obama’s a killer;
The Left can’t hide
He’s accelerated the thriller
Of an Afghanicide.

 There’s been a lack of fairness at this blog.  You know it, I know it.  But we’re changing all that. 


–Making things Fair

–Giving the other side a voice

–Ensuring diversity

OOops!!  A network goof during the Superbowl game assaulted tender liberal-left sensibilities today by accidentally airing this cobweb-covered fun-fest of an ad for Tommy Burst Submarine Guns.  View the monstrosity here.

Stay tuned for new reality show, “It’s Raining Lawsuits”

Go to the Diversity Lane website to get yours!  Buy some for friends!  Regular and Signed editions available, follow the easy-breezy order form of your choice at either the homepage or storepage at

Hope ‘n’ Change is like an alternate universe experience:  all the news & latest headlines are the same as in our world, except they’re funny.  John Boehner is here preparing to take the gavel from Pelosi, but this time he’s threatening her with it.  New congressional Republicans read aloud from the Constitution, and in response a Democrat rises demonically from a bed a la “The Exorcist.”  Creator Stilton Jarlsberg presents thorough highlights of what’s going down in the world in a style anything but smelly or European despite his name.   It’s a blog I still go back to regularly and recommend highly, especially if you can’t stand leftists.

SondraK’s astounding blog is one of the two or three most entertaining spots on the web, it’s now been scientifically proven.  She digs up photos, issues and things to laff about better than anybody and comments on them with fun, hard-to-describe edginess.  This photo and the caption below give a hint at the kind of no-holds-barred smokin’ original conservative observation that goes down here at breakneck speed.  Check it out as soon as possible, ignore it at your own risk.
 it’s art.
Angry, angry art.
Via David Thompson, we learn of an amusing protest at the Tate museum, in which we see a fascinating breakdown in lefty logic.
David expands on it well but the long and short of it is, the protesters who are pissed that the government is cutting funding – i.e. tax dollars – to the Tate are the same bunch who, not so long ago, protested the acceptance of funding from BP estimated at nearly 500,000 pounds, or crumpets, or whatever they use for money in middle earth.  The money is only acceptable if it’s taken by force.
We also see a complete breakdown of the “svelte & sexy European vs. fat pasty American” trope.

Visitors and friends: I am taking a little time away from the weekly cartoons in order to prepare a large-scale Diversity Lane book compilation to be published later this year.  Included will be dozens of never-before-seen cartoons.  Also, many of my 150-odd earlier cartoons were originally drawn in a hurry and are being spiffed up and even partially redrawn in order to improve them in every way for inclusion in the book.  As soon as possible I will resume the regular blog postings and emailings.  Till then– thanks for your patience!

This letter was actually sent to Coakley prior to her failed bid for office in Massachusetts, by (who else) Jason Sanborn of the always fun Letters to Liberals blog.

Dear Martha Coakley,

It appears that you have been slipping in recent polls.  The seemingly unthinkable now seems possible.  You could lose this election and a seat that has been held by Democrats for many, many years. Your opponent, Scott Brown, has been receiving support from all around America and you are on your last day before the election.

In a last minute plea, you turn to the Great Divider for help.  I suppose that you were unaware of his recent track record as you were unaware that Curt Schilling played for the Red Sox.  Possibly you were too busy defending the citizens from Aqua Teen Hunger Force to notice that the Red Sox won in 2004 and 2007, note Schilling was in the line-up both years.  Obama was not able to help either Deeds in Virginia or Corzine in New Jersey, yet in an act of desperation you were out of options.

This special election comes at an important time.  A time when the People have an opportunity to send a message to Washington that the seat did not belong to Ted Kennedy but that he was endowed by the People to serve and represent them.  This seat now has an opportunity to either hold the 60th vote for Democrat Socialism or to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.

Be it only appropriate that our plea for freedom come on this day, to celebrate Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Lord, hear our prayer.  Let Freedom Ring from Lexington to Concord.  Let Freedom Ring from Chatham to Great Williamstown.  Let Freedom Ring from Amesbury to Siasconset.  Let Freedom Ring in the State of Massachusetts to that all of America may hear Freedom Ring.

I implore you on January 19th when you go to the polls to cast your vote along with your fellow citizens of Massachusetts,  that you think of Our Nation, One Nation under God and vote for Scott Brown.

Jason Sanborn

From the soon to be former State of Texas