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Category Archives: Conservatism

Go here to listen to the podcast.  Paul Ibbeston is an outstanding interviewer and the entire broadcast is interesting & well worth your time.  Zack’s segment starts just after the 25 minute mark  on the podcast.

You can’t get much more Heartland than Oklahoma and we always did love the Heartland.  Now it’s comin’ through for us bigtime.  Urban Tulsa Weekly out of Tulsa, Oklahoma  just picked up Diversity Lane as a regular weekly ‘toon in both its popular hardcopy edition seen all over town and its PDF edition available online.  This is a hot weekly with lots of great columns and up-to-date coverage of sports, arts, dining & more.  With their young & happening conservative flair, we’re mighty proud to be in their pages.

Hope ‘n’ Change is like an alternate universe experience:  all the news & latest headlines are the same as in our world, except they’re funny.  John Boehner is here preparing to take the gavel from Pelosi, but this time he’s threatening her with it.  New congressional Republicans read aloud from the Constitution, and in response a Democrat rises demonically from a bed a la “The Exorcist.”  Creator Stilton Jarlsberg presents thorough highlights of what’s going down in the world in a style anything but smelly or European despite his name.   It’s a blog I still go back to regularly and recommend highly, especially if you can’t stand leftists.

I was honored to be interviewed by that titan of anti-leftism, Dr. Jamie Glazov: interview  now up at Frontpage Magazine.  Any readers interested in some of the ideas and motivations behind Diversity Lane are welcome to read the extended, two-page interview here.

We’re please to announce that Diversity Lane now has a presence on Facebook Pages.  Visit us here to vent, complain, share and eventually buy stuff.

Also now at Facebook is Zack Rawsthorne’s Profile page:  less business/more chit-chat.

Diversity Lane would like to thank VDARE, the courageous website supported by former Forbes editor Peter Brimelow and his VDARE Foundation.  Focusing on illegal immigration and related issues, this is one of the most stunningly honest and therefore important sites I know of and it was a great honor to receive their attention in this recent piece.

Thanks To Frontpage Magazine for this piece, which ran at the website earlier this week.  I’m most grateful to founder David Horowitz, editor Jamie Glazov and all involved at Frontpage, easily one of the world’s most important and courageous websites for many years now.

Afficionados of George Orwell, political fables, political cartoons and powerful symbolic imagery, take note: Oliver’s Tale, Paul Ibbetson’s conservative twist on Animal Farm, has just been released and is now available at Paul’s website, and  A press release discloses fascinating hints of what’s to come: “…The story of how one average squirrel became a servant of God and led a revolution to save the animals of Three Fingers Cove [from] the Gray Skunk, the most mesmerizing and dangerous foe the Cove has ever faced.”    This sounds not only like a one-of-a-kind literary feast for any political junkie but also a sort of Essential Reading for your children or grandchildren to help them comprehend the ever-unvanquished threat of the Left– particularly these tumultuous days.   Author, columnist and radio host Paul (The Conscience of Kansas) Ibbetson’s unique background makes the prospect of this political read all the more intriguing:  among many other credits he’s a former Chief of Police holding an MA in Criminal Justice and currently completing his Ph.D. in Sociology.  I can’t imagine anyone better equipped to man the helm of an allegorical warning about the perils of liberalism.

Here’s a real find:  Chad Kent Speaks is a new website with short videos featuring young professional public speaker Chad’s exciting, down to earth approach to American government.  You’ll come away from these a) interested all over again about our Founding Principles and b) wishing these videos were longer.   Fortunately you can find more of his public speaking at the blog linked at this website and at Youtube where I found these.   Highly recommended for you, your family and your kid who thinks he doesn’t care about dry historical stuff and what’s really in the Constitution but will learn that he does after hearing a couple of these vids.  Liberals, beware: this stuff scoffs at the “living Constitution” concept and may be harmful to your self-delusions.


[This out-of-the-park hit is the last word on the Polanski debacle.  Courtesy of bookseller/writer Craig S. Maxwell at the ever-indispensable Maxwell’s House of Books, my primary source for reading material.]


During the course of his debates with Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln wisely observed that, “Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed. Consequently he who molds public sentiment, goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions. He makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to be executed.”

Today, however, Lincoln’s insight is troubling–especially given Hollywood’s influence over the nation. Regrettably, this small, sordid suburb of Los Angeles is one of the world’s most powerful molders of “public sentiment”, and the recently focused attention on acclaimed director Roman Polanski should serve to remind us of of this fact. Over the years, movies have increasingly relied on the extreme, the perverse and the profane to sell themselves. But this is far from being the mere commercial exploitation of controversially “racy” material by cynical, yet otherwise bourgeois studio execs who “know better.” It is, rather, a clear reflection of the morally denuded minds of its makers–the producers and directors–those unwitting, third-hand consumers and distributors of the philosophical corrosives contrived by Rousseau, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Heidegger, Sorel, Sartre, Foucault, Derrida, et al. For over one hundred years, their destructive ideas have filtered down from academe and into popular culture. What “lesson” did they teach? Primarily, that truth and morality have no objective, universal content, and are nothing more than the arbitrary expressions of cultural bias, or the individual’s will to dominate. Thus, for their disciples, it followed that to free oneself from the fetters of traditional morality was to undertake a bold adventure in self-discovery, liberation and “progressive” thinking.


Traces of this “enlightened” perspective can be seen in the conspicuously calculated, dismissive and self-exonerating remarks of Roman Polanski who, when questioned about the thirteen year old girl he drugged and raped, told the interviewer that he was no aberration, and that (in truth), “everybody [deep down] wants to (four-letter obscenity deleted) little girls”; or in those of Woody Allen who, when questioned about the propriety of the affair he was having with his wife’s adopted daughter, blandly replied, “The heart wants what it wants.”


Our world was built on the solid pillars of three, great civilizations: Jerusalem, Athens and Rome. The first taught us to pray; the second, to think; and the third, to govern. Yet as strong as they are, these pillars require our respectful study, contemplation and defense, if they are to continue bearing the tremendous weight of the West. Absent this attention, we will continue to witness our ongoing decay, and eventual collapse.


Don’t let the butterfly graphic at the top throw you off.  There’s nothing airy or flighty about the Christian conservatism at two or  This is a dynamic blog written by a highly articulate and very modern preacher and is  perfect for exploring the links between culture, politics and religion.  Read Daniel G’s (and some excellent contributors’) fresh takes on religion today, check out some of his fine sermons, and get up on the latest news– all at the same time.  Highly recommended.