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Category Archives: blogs I like

Go here to listen to the podcast.  Paul Ibbeston is an outstanding interviewer and the entire broadcast is interesting & well worth your time.  Zack’s segment starts just after the 25 minute mark  on the podcast.

Stilton Jarlsberg, creator of Johnny Optimsm, is a little twisted, sure– but we like that.  We think it’s original.  More to the point, he’s non-PC and we like that even more.  Jokes involving illnesses or physical challenges are supposed to be Wrong and Against The Rules and Mean… at least if you’re like most weepy lefties we know.  As for the rest of mankind, i.e. those of us who aren’t afraid to laugh over the human comedy in all its fascinating permutations and who refuse to cower in some PC corner– Johnny Optimism is just plain outside-the-box fun.  More here.

Financial journalist, author and founder of VDARE, Peter Brimelow has been the editor of many publications including National Review, Forbes and The Financial Post.  Books include the national best-seller Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster.   It’s a great honor to add his quote to our roster of Big-hitters Who Like Diversity Lane.

Mr. Brimelow’s site VDARE is currently the top internet source for scoping out  issues of immigration and multiculturalism run amuck.  Visit them here.

Purchase Diversity Lane/ A Liberal Family Saga here.

Check it out here— great piece by journalist Joe Hatton.

Jamie Glazov’s new show has an astounding line-up of interviews scheduled (Robert Spencer, Stanley Kurtz, etc.) including some of the foremost experts on Islamoterrorism in the world today.  Here’s the premiere installment, with part two already available at Frontpage Magazine.  Phillippe Karsenty has courageously exposed a notorious hoax perpetrated by virulent antisemitic participants (and bought into by the ever anti-Israel left, as usual).  Must-viewing for fans of Courage.

SondraK’s astounding blog is one of the two or three most entertaining spots on the web, it’s now been scientifically proven.  She digs up photos, issues and things to laff about better than anybody and comments on them with fun, hard-to-describe edginess.  This photo and the caption below give a hint at the kind of no-holds-barred smokin’ original conservative observation that goes down here at breakneck speed.  Check it out as soon as possible, ignore it at your own risk.
 it’s art.
Angry, angry art.
Via David Thompson, we learn of an amusing protest at the Tate museum, in which we see a fascinating breakdown in lefty logic.
David expands on it well but the long and short of it is, the protesters who are pissed that the government is cutting funding – i.e. tax dollars – to the Tate are the same bunch who, not so long ago, protested the acceptance of funding from BP estimated at nearly 500,000 pounds, or crumpets, or whatever they use for money in middle earth.  The money is only acceptable if it’s taken by force.
We also see a complete breakdown of the “svelte & sexy European vs. fat pasty American” trope.

I was honored to be interviewed by that titan of anti-leftism, Dr. Jamie Glazov: interview  now up at Frontpage Magazine.  Any readers interested in some of the ideas and motivations behind Diversity Lane are welcome to read the extended, two-page interview here.

Diversity Lane would like to thank VDARE, the courageous website supported by former Forbes editor Peter Brimelow and his VDARE Foundation.  Focusing on illegal immigration and related issues, this is one of the most stunningly honest and therefore important sites I know of and it was a great honor to receive their attention in this recent piece.

Thanks To Frontpage Magazine for this piece, which ran at the website earlier this week.  I’m most grateful to founder David Horowitz, editor Jamie Glazov and all involved at Frontpage, easily one of the world’s most important and courageous websites for many years now.

This letter was actually sent to Coakley prior to her failed bid for office in Massachusetts, by (who else) Jason Sanborn of the always fun Letters to Liberals blog.

Dear Martha Coakley,

It appears that you have been slipping in recent polls.  The seemingly unthinkable now seems possible.  You could lose this election and a seat that has been held by Democrats for many, many years. Your opponent, Scott Brown, has been receiving support from all around America and you are on your last day before the election.

In a last minute plea, you turn to the Great Divider for help.  I suppose that you were unaware of his recent track record as you were unaware that Curt Schilling played for the Red Sox.  Possibly you were too busy defending the citizens from Aqua Teen Hunger Force to notice that the Red Sox won in 2004 and 2007, note Schilling was in the line-up both years.  Obama was not able to help either Deeds in Virginia or Corzine in New Jersey, yet in an act of desperation you were out of options.

This special election comes at an important time.  A time when the People have an opportunity to send a message to Washington that the seat did not belong to Ted Kennedy but that he was endowed by the People to serve and represent them.  This seat now has an opportunity to either hold the 60th vote for Democrat Socialism or to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.

Be it only appropriate that our plea for freedom come on this day, to celebrate Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Lord, hear our prayer.  Let Freedom Ring from Lexington to Concord.  Let Freedom Ring from Chatham to Great Williamstown.  Let Freedom Ring from Amesbury to Siasconset.  Let Freedom Ring in the State of Massachusetts to that all of America may hear Freedom Ring.

I implore you on January 19th when you go to the polls to cast your vote along with your fellow citizens of Massachusetts,  that you think of Our Nation, One Nation under God and vote for Scott Brown.

Jason Sanborn

From the soon to be former State of Texas

Hope ‘n’ Change is manned by suspiciously named author/artist Stilton Jarlsberg.  He hates lefty Democrats, has a great sense of fun and possesses the largest collection of old graphic clip-art and cartoons known to man; what more could you ask for in a conservative blog?  For extra credit he maintains a very regular running commentary on the news in a pithy, appropriately Obama-skewering tone that should keep you coming back for tomorrow’s installment.  Super-creative and much recommended.

Here’s a real find:  Chad Kent Speaks is a new website with short videos featuring young professional public speaker Chad’s exciting, down to earth approach to American government.  You’ll come away from these a) interested all over again about our Founding Principles and b) wishing these videos were longer.   Fortunately you can find more of his public speaking at the blog linked at this website and at Youtube where I found these.   Highly recommended for you, your family and your kid who thinks he doesn’t care about dry historical stuff and what’s really in the Constitution but will learn that he does after hearing a couple of these vids.  Liberals, beware: this stuff scoffs at the “living Constitution” concept and may be harmful to your self-delusions.

Jason Sanborn never lets you down.  With his outward calm yet inner smoldering disgust for what the “progressives” have wrought upon the world, upon America, hell, even upon the Democrat Party, he echoes many of our sentiments and does it with impeccably vicious sarcasm.  Check out this letter to Jimmy Carter to see what I mean.

Don’t let the butterfly graphic at the top throw you off.  There’s nothing airy or flighty about the Christian conservatism at two or  This is a dynamic blog written by a highly articulate and very modern preacher and is  perfect for exploring the links between culture, politics and religion.  Read Daniel G’s (and some excellent contributors’) fresh takes on religion today, check out some of his fine sermons, and get up on the latest news– all at the same time.  Highly recommended.

The original term “iron curtain” was coined by Churchill.  (Winston, that is; the radical U of Colorado professor by the same name is irrelevant.)   He didn’t have theater curtains in mind but considering the amount of persecution of non-liberals that goes on in the entertainment arts, maybe he should have.  That’s why any conservative actor to emerge from that left-lurching, intellectually strait-jacketed world is such a welcome commodity.   Confessions of a Closet Republican is the blog of just such an actor and I enjoy reading her thoughts regularly.  So will you.  Just don’t expect her to give her real name, though; like all conservatives in any of the arts, that would without question result in untold harassment at best and out and out blacklisting at worst a la Joseph McCarthy (though infinitely more widespread). 

“Incognito” is smart and interesting– visit her site, I know you’ll like it.

Learn all about Lympians at!  Before you start racking your memory of  Native American studies or extra-terrestrial species, I’ll give you a hint: the term is short for Olympians, i.e. liberal types residing around Olympia, WA and apparently just as nutty as their brethren from Berkeley or Manhattan.  Check in on Sondra K. as she fearlessly skewers these greener-than-green wackos in posts that are as edgy and fun as they are conservative.

I see the hot new blog Letters To Liberals as a series of elegantly phrased, impeccably well-groomed envelopes which once you open them turn out to be full of gun powder and dynamite.   Creator Jason Sanborn understands the pestilence called Obama through and through, and in his drily delivered but scathingly mocking letters & etc. you can really learn a lot about what’s going down politically these days.  Plus get a good laugh while you’re at it.  Recommended!

There’s no better name for a blog or website than that, so I won’t even try to top it with a clever post title.  I Own The World is a humor site for those who liked Airplane! and prefer their jazz real rather than “smooth.”  When you tire of the ersatz-edginess of people like Letterman– whose worldview afterall fits neatly into the Katie Couric/Oprah Winfrey intellectual continuum– try this stuff.  Nary a PC post to be found… breathe the air of Freedom!

Something tells me  The Lonely Conservative isn’t raising any spoiled, whiney children.  It comes through in her edgy forthrightness: she just doesn’t take any guff from self-important liberal-Left types, and I don’t think she’d take any from her kids either.  These are the kind of posts that ring with humor due to their intelligent honesty (and honesty about the inane words and actions of the Left can be pretty damn funny).  Give her a visit, she’s in a Blue State and could use some thoughtful company for a change.

The Desert Glows Green , manned by Vegas Art Guy, chronicles the day to day travails of a teacher (9th grade English class starts in the Fall) with a conservative and Christian outlook.  Also a voracious reader with whom you can chat up the dozens of books he reads per quarter.  If that scenario doesn’t provide enough drama for you, he’s also a man committed to maintaining good values and decency in his classes.   (Below: one of the posters he’s thinking of putting up come September.  See what I mean?)  Swing by his spot, it’s impossible not to like this very smart, very good-natured teacher and master blog diarist. 


The Barn is a fresh new blog I think a lot of my readers will appreciate.  The writing is super-smart but edgy, big-hearted but pulling no punches.  Even some fine rock music manages to find its way in, bolstering my longtime belief that it is conservatism, not left/liberalism, that most aptly reflects the true edgy spirit of rock.   (In an age when the typical would-be “dangerous” rocker’s opinions conform rather closely to those of Katie Couric, my faith in the politico-ideological underpinnings of the current rock scene has been pretty well shattered.)  Anyway, check out The Barn, you’ll have fun and learn a lot too.

This coming Tuesday, June 30, my interview with outstanding author and talk show host Paul A. Ibbetson will be aired on his lively show, The Conscience of Kansas.  The interview is scheduled for 5:00 PM Central Time and can be heard on KSDB 91.9 “The Wildcat” in the Kansas area.  It will also be available at Blog Talk Radio, or better yet go to Paul’s website The Conscience of Kansas around 5:00 PM Central this Tuesday and give a listen.  The site is well worth bookmarking anyway: Paul’s got a fantastic backlog of interviews (Dinesh D’Sousa, Rick Santorum, Paul Shanklin, etc.)  as well as editorials, columns and books he’s authored that can be purchased at the website.  He’s a vital force  in modern conservatism and I had a blast chatting with him about Diversity Lane.

You can’t get more Heartland than either Kansas or Paul A. Ibbetson, at his superb site The Conscience of Kansas.  Author, lecturer, former Chief of Police and radio talker, he’s also currently working on his Ph.D– all while maintaining a great sense of humor.  Bookmark his site– it’s got a wealth of highly interesting radio podcasts to keep handy for the next time Rush goes on too long about his latest golf game or Sean gets embroiled in conversation with a liberal nutcase.  Also well worth investigating are his books, which I’ll be ordering this week.  I left this smart, fun site feeling like I’d made a very impressive new friend.

Jose Reyes (one of my favorite blogging journalists because he is one of the most passionate) writes as ever with the fury of one who has walked the walk– in this case an all-too-concrete familiarity with the hell of Castro’s Cuba.  Today at Cubanology  he starts out:  The UN Human Rights Council is a total disgrace to use the term “human rights” and should appropriately be renamed  “The UN Inhumane Rights Council.” The United Nations should not exist because it violates the exact purpose and reason why it was established and created. There is no better example of misrepresentation than the favorable non-discriminating treatment towards the Cuban regime. Cuba is the perfect example of how the UN handles and conducts business within its sinful walls. For its members to knowingly turn a blind eye away from the 50 years of tyrannical rule in Cuba can only be classified as Evil. 

That’s just a warm up.  He follows with copious details and background on the shocking self-contradiction that is the UN.  You can check out the rest here.

Imagine stumbling long and dangerously through the darkness of a nation thoroughly fogged up by Progressivism,  then suddenly coming across a pristine village where all the inhabitants love America, flags are for waving (not burning)  and A,C, L and U are just letters in the alphabet, untainted by destructive organizations.  You’ve reached Conservababes , a large, joyfully conservative cluster of bloggers (men and women can be Conservababes, it turns out).  Pull up a comfy chair,  pour yourself a cup of coffee (or something stronger) and just hang out:  you’re safe now.  Handy navigation tips will help you weave your way through the many topics, forums and personalities but getting lost is part of the fun as it turns out and at least you’ll be among friends.

I don’t know if Z, the guiding force behind supercool blog geeeeeZ! has any cheerleading in her past– but that’s the kind of zest she brings to this  patriotic blog and that’s what helps put it over the top.  A wonderful blend of conservatism, light-heartedness, artistic savvy and old-fashioned goodness, it’s one of those spots that leaves me both educated and in a good mood.  Another big plus: some of the most fascinating commentors anywhere.  She just seems to attract them.

In My Copious Free Time is one of those sites I think of as “good cuppa coffee blogs.”  Like that morning cup of joe it’s an utterly warm and pleasant presence, all the while delivering that special jolt that sets it apart from, say, orange juice (or, to finish out the metaphor, from many other personal-reflection type blogs).  Wes is a fine, thoughtful, creative writer, conservative, interesting, multifaceted and upbeat.  You can’t do better than to stop in and check out his latest unique ruminations on politics, the culture and everything in between.