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Monthly Archives: April 2009



I don’t know if Z, the guiding force behind supercool blog geeeeeZ! has any cheerleading in her past– but that’s the kind of zest she brings to this  patriotic blog and that’s what helps put it over the top.  A wonderful blend of conservatism, light-heartedness, artistic savvy and old-fashioned goodness, it’s one of those spots that leaves me both educated and in a good mood.  Another big plus: some of the most fascinating commentors anywhere.  She just seems to attract them.






–and I’m listening.  That’s why here at Diversity Lane we’re innaugurating our Green Planet series of cartoons specifically for liberal consumption.  The content is the same as our regular posts, but they’re printed on recycled grasspaper woven specifically for us by gentle Kenyan weaverwomen.  No power plants are involved; the nearest industrial element of any kind is a lone wind turbine, nestled in an adjacent valley.  Enjoy our new Green Planet line.  And love your planet.


In My Copious Free Time is one of those sites I think of as “good cuppa coffee blogs.”  Like that morning cup of joe it’s an utterly warm and pleasant presence, all the while delivering that special jolt that sets it apart from, say, orange juice (or, to finish out the metaphor, from many other personal-reflection type blogs).  Wes is a fine, thoughtful, creative writer, conservative, interesting, multifaceted and upbeat.  You can’t do better than to stop in and check out his latest unique ruminations on politics, the culture and everything in between.


California Representative Barbara Lee is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (itself a concept founded in bigotry– can you imagine a Congressional White Caucus?).  She recently uttered these words,  “It’s time to talk to Cuba,” meant as a  not-so-indirect admonishment to the U.S. for its policies toward the island-prison.  Check out the unforgettable and utterly righteous retort that Jose Reyes (of Cubanology) crafts in response to her incredible gullibility.  Terrific posting written with the kind of fire that can come only from knowing Castro’s hell on earth up close and personal.  If you can spare a minute you might want to fire off a note or a phone call to her (emailing is restricted to her 9th District of CA constituents). 

Oakland District Office
1301 Clay Street Suite 1000-N
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 763-0370
Fax: (510) 763-6538
Hours of Operation: 9am – 5pm PST

Washington, D.C. Office
2444 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2661
Fax: (202) 225-9817
Hours of Operation: 9am – 5pm EST







The poster of Churchill above the cash register sets the tone.  Then you see the Remington sculptures, the Durer prints– and of course the “wares”: as desirable a collection of fine used books as I’ve seen anywhere.  Nor is Maxwell’s House of Books all that little, especially when you take into account their tens of thousands of  fine books available online. What really sets it apart– and I’ve been to hundreds of bookstores from the San Diego Barnes & Noble all the way up to Powell’s in Oregon– is the owners.   Conservative intellectual Craig Maxwell and his brilliant and droll wife Lynn are about the best booktalk people you could hope to find, contrasting starkly with the world of Big Box bookstores and their callow and distracted tattooed clerks.  Give them a call at 619-462-3387.  They ship the world over, and if they don’t have just what you want they’re savvy enough to help guide you to some superb alternative.
