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A Modern Observation on The Anti-War Movement
Obama’s a killer;
Nobel can’t hide
He’s leading a thriller
Of an Afghanicide.
Obama’s a warrior
Who’s funding that war;
Seems that’s actually
What Democrats are for.
Obama is vicious,
As bombs rain down
On some Muslim folk
In a Muslim town.
Obama’s evaded
Bush-aimed anti-war noise,
Because it turns out
They were mostly his boys.
Obama’s in office
And boom go those bombs.
But all those protestors?
They show no more qualms.
For Obama’s in office,
And now the war’s just
A peripheral problem,
Not a matter of trust.
Obama’s supporters
Reason it out like this:
Bush started the mess
With a swing and a miss.
Obama’s just doing
What ever he can,
Except stopping the war
Which he said was his plan.
Obama’s going along
With quiet aplomb
Because Bush protestors
Cheer Nobel’s Obama-mite bomb.
Obama’s prized peace
Is a Peace Prize now past;
And golly, there goes
Another Afghani blast.
Obama seems proud
Of the record he’s made.
Two years of warfare
Is like the golf games he played.

Obama’s a killer;
The Left can’t hide
He’s accelerated the thriller
Of an Afghanicide.

One Comment

  1. Guess what? You’ll get no argument from a lot of liberals, there.

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